Classes & Clinics
If you have questions or would like to be put on a wait list, please contact us here.
****SWIM****SWIM****SWIM****SWIM ****
1:1 Swimming Lessons
By appointment / More info here
2:1 Clinics
2 athletes : 1 Coach
$45 / person
@ Longview Community Center
Saturday Dec 9, 2023
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Saturday March 30, 2024
Saturday May 4th, 2024
1:30 - 2:25 pm / 2:30 - 3:25 pm
3:30 - 4:25 pm / 4:30 - 5:25 pm
Location: Longview Community Center
Cost: $45 / person
Regisration Here
Freestyle Kick for Triathlon Clinic
April 20, 2024
3;30 - 4:45 @ Longview Community Center
$35 / Peron - Register Here
Flip Turns for Triathletes Clinic
April 20, 2024
2 - 3:15 @ Longview Community Center
$35 / person - Register Here
Well, you might not :). BUT - some of you ARE ready for this step - flip
turns change how you practice in the pool. Not only does it cut down
on the amount of air you get but it also forces you to "work through
the wall" rather than getting the mini-break an open turn provides (and
yes, it does provide a break - at least more than a flip turn). Flip turns
help you learn breath control (for times that challenge you - like the
first part of a race or open water panic) and also strengthens your swim
fitness > this matters for more than just the swim - being strong in
the water has a big and important impact on your bike and run too. ;)
Winter swim classes - TBD
The classes below are designed to push each athlete - how to
best do this depends on where you are with your swimming.
If you have questions about which class is best for you, please
email Liz so we can get you in the class in which you'll benefit the most.
Form & Technique
This class is focused on technique instruction and improving the
ability to go hard in the water without losing your stroke.
Don't confuse Form & Technique with easy!
Class capped at 10 people
Interval Training
This class is about swimming hard with the pace
clock. While technique will be addressed, this is for
athletes looking to give a bump to their swim fitness.
Class capped at 12 people.
Summer Swim Booster - TBD
6 week class race specific class - focus on hard race
pace efforts in the pool followed immediately by a
fast transition and short intense run set.
****BIKE*****BIKE*****BIKE*****BIKE ****
December Bike Buster
Get a head start on the new year with this
no holds barred of a class! One hour high
intensity spin + 15 minutes of hard core, core
Date: December 2 - 30th, 2023
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Location: Zoom
Cost: $50 alum / $70
Winter Spin-tensity
The GRITTY bike class for tough athletes;
Don't miss out on making hard work FUN!
Come join us!
DATE: Jan 13 - March 9, 2024*
*Reds New Years Day Run on Sat Jan 6th!
TIME: 8 - 9 AM
LOCATION: Zoom with sprinkles, as requested!
(sprinkles = in-person activity = Sunday runs >
dates TBD as weather allows. Stay tuned!)
COST: $99 alum / $129
****** Beyond SBR ******
A Moment to Pause - TBD
What: Sleep, Breathe, Mobility & Electronics > these each impact how we thrive not just in training but in life.
This 30 minutes is a brief pause in the week to learn something new about how we approach these things >
based on the books Why We Sleep, Breathe, Be Where Your Feet Are, Headspace (app), and a gal many of you
have come to love, Erin Carson's mobility tips. We aren't looking for an overhaul or become masters of serenity
(thank goodness) > we're just taking a few to slow down. We'll leave each class with a goal for the week :)
Core, Balance and Mobility - TBD
This class isn't about the most weight you can move - but don't think it won't be hard. Focusing on form and
control throughout movement w/ respect for how your body moves is key to setting you up for harder work to come.
This kind of work recruits the muscles that like to skip out when we are sloppy > and it's these same little guys we
need when we get tired in a race. Quality over quantity is the focus here.
STRENGTH & RUN Combo Class - TBD
Core strength work blended with
hills and high intensity running. #boom
Boulder Camp 2024 - TBD
If you have questions or would like to be put on a wait list, please contact us here.
****SWIM****SWIM****SWIM****SWIM ****
1:1 Swimming Lessons
By appointment / More info here
2:1 Clinics
2 athletes : 1 Coach
$45 / person
@ Longview Community Center
Saturday Dec 9, 2023
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Saturday March 30, 2024
Saturday May 4th, 2024
1:30 - 2:25 pm / 2:30 - 3:25 pm
3:30 - 4:25 pm / 4:30 - 5:25 pm
Location: Longview Community Center
Cost: $45 / person
Regisration Here
Freestyle Kick for Triathlon Clinic
April 20, 2024
3;30 - 4:45 @ Longview Community Center
$35 / Peron - Register Here
Flip Turns for Triathletes Clinic
April 20, 2024
2 - 3:15 @ Longview Community Center
$35 / person - Register Here
Well, you might not :). BUT - some of you ARE ready for this step - flip
turns change how you practice in the pool. Not only does it cut down
on the amount of air you get but it also forces you to "work through
the wall" rather than getting the mini-break an open turn provides (and
yes, it does provide a break - at least more than a flip turn). Flip turns
help you learn breath control (for times that challenge you - like the
first part of a race or open water panic) and also strengthens your swim
fitness > this matters for more than just the swim - being strong in
the water has a big and important impact on your bike and run too. ;)
Winter swim classes - TBD
The classes below are designed to push each athlete - how to
best do this depends on where you are with your swimming.
If you have questions about which class is best for you, please
email Liz so we can get you in the class in which you'll benefit the most.
Form & Technique
This class is focused on technique instruction and improving the
ability to go hard in the water without losing your stroke.
Don't confuse Form & Technique with easy!
Class capped at 10 people
Interval Training
This class is about swimming hard with the pace
clock. While technique will be addressed, this is for
athletes looking to give a bump to their swim fitness.
Class capped at 12 people.
Summer Swim Booster - TBD
6 week class race specific class - focus on hard race
pace efforts in the pool followed immediately by a
fast transition and short intense run set.
****BIKE*****BIKE*****BIKE*****BIKE ****
December Bike Buster
Get a head start on the new year with this
no holds barred of a class! One hour high
intensity spin + 15 minutes of hard core, core
Date: December 2 - 30th, 2023
Time: 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Location: Zoom
Cost: $50 alum / $70
Winter Spin-tensity
The GRITTY bike class for tough athletes;
Don't miss out on making hard work FUN!
Come join us!
DATE: Jan 13 - March 9, 2024*
*Reds New Years Day Run on Sat Jan 6th!
TIME: 8 - 9 AM
LOCATION: Zoom with sprinkles, as requested!
(sprinkles = in-person activity = Sunday runs >
dates TBD as weather allows. Stay tuned!)
COST: $99 alum / $129
****** Beyond SBR ******
A Moment to Pause - TBD
What: Sleep, Breathe, Mobility & Electronics > these each impact how we thrive not just in training but in life.
This 30 minutes is a brief pause in the week to learn something new about how we approach these things >
based on the books Why We Sleep, Breathe, Be Where Your Feet Are, Headspace (app), and a gal many of you
have come to love, Erin Carson's mobility tips. We aren't looking for an overhaul or become masters of serenity
(thank goodness) > we're just taking a few to slow down. We'll leave each class with a goal for the week :)
Core, Balance and Mobility - TBD
This class isn't about the most weight you can move - but don't think it won't be hard. Focusing on form and
control throughout movement w/ respect for how your body moves is key to setting you up for harder work to come.
This kind of work recruits the muscles that like to skip out when we are sloppy > and it's these same little guys we
need when we get tired in a race. Quality over quantity is the focus here.
STRENGTH & RUN Combo Class - TBD
Core strength work blended with
hills and high intensity running. #boom
Boulder Camp 2024 - TBD